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Saturday, June 20, 2009


Find the latest in the world of Foreign Exchange Markets both at TMB, Nationally and Internationally. Get the latest upto date news / report about the forex related information from us. Learn about the interest rate movements as and when they happen right here right now. This can be your one stop forex news point for the latest and upto date news about forex markets.NRE Term Deposit - Interest Rates revisedOct1The NRE Term Deposit Rates are revised...

Pairtime GMTHighs (bid)Lows (ask)time GMTAmplitude, % *EUR/USD12:54:001.39341.393712:54:000.02*USD/JPY12:54:0096.2696.28512:54:000.03*EUR/JPY12:54:00134.14134.1812:54:000.03*EUR/CHF12:54:001.50691.507412:54:000.03*GBP/USD12:54:001.64921.649812:54:000.04*CHF/JPY12:54:0089.00589.0412:54:000.04*USD/CHF12:54:001.08121.0816512:54:000.04*GBP/JPY12:54:00158.76158.83512:54:000.05*EUR/GBP12:54:00.8447.8452512:54:000.07*GBP/CHF12:54:001.783051.7842512:54:000.07*USD/CAD12:54:001.1341.134812:54:000.07*AUD/USD12:54:00.80585.806812:54:000.12*CAD/JPY12:54:0084.70584.8112:54:000.12*EUR/AUD12:54:001.72951.73212:54:000.14*AUD/JPY12:54:0077.56577.6812:54:000.15*NZD/USD12:54:00.64195.6430512:54:000.17*EUR/SEK12:54:0011.016311.039312:54:000.21*EUR/NOK12:54:008.9158.933912:54:000.21*USD/SEK12:54:007.902357.9244512:54:000.28*USD/NOK12:54:006.392256.4142512:54:000.34...

Foreign Exchange Market Analysis Report:

Foreign Exchange Market Analysis Report:International Forex Market Trend / Comments / Information / Report and Rates provided below was last updated in part or full on Friday, June 19, 2009 - 10:05 am (GMT +05:30:00) - Indian Standard Time.Live Market Rates (Updated Frequently):Table showing Live Market Rates updated frequentlyCurrencyBidAskRates Updated as on Jun 19, 2009 17:00 Indian Standard Time (GMT+05:30).Rates updated only in forex trading...


FOREX (the Foreign Exchange market) is an international market where participants speculate on the value of different currencies, buying and selling dollars, pounds, euros, and other currencies. There are only a few major currencies to follow, compared to hundreds of stocks in the equities market. In order to get started understanding Forex, sign up for a free practice account today...

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