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Saturday, August 22, 2009

May 20th EUR/USD and GBP/USD

EUR/USD is trading @ 1.3592; yesterday High 1.3667, low 1.3537;right now the rate is moving down from 1.3667 (it's max) with a correction of around 30%;I see a good support @ 1.3570 area, If the rate will fail it I see a bullish movement to area 1.3720; after 1.3570 I see another support @ 1.3540;a good strategy may be to sell around @ 1.3700, stop loss @ 1.3745, take profit @ 1.3650;not big space for a some support and resistance: R3 1.3866; R2 1.3736; R1 1.3675; S1 1.3545; S2 1.3476;no need of S3 ;)GBP/USD is trading @ 1.5481; yeasterday...

EUR/USD May 19th update

The rate is trading @ 1.3632; today it moved from a low @1.3537 to a high @ 1.3667;right now I do not see any clear opportunity to trade; the rate may move up to 1.3700 and so will go to check the resistance @ 1.3720-40; or it may move down to 1.3570 or further to 1.3540; tomorrow news should not have a big impact on the rate; so to me looks much more possible it will go to 1.3720 area;here are some support and resistance:R1 1.3689;R2 1.3743;R3 1.3873;S1 1.3559;S2 1.3483;S3 1.3353;will see the overnight developement and maybe tomorrow there will...

May 19th EUR/USD analysis and opportunities

Yesterday the rate moved from a min @ 1.3469 to a max @ 1.3569; it close at it's max.early this morning there was a small correction almost 23%, so I would consider that we didn't had any since this movement up started;right now this movement up may be seen as a 70% correction of last friday bearish movement; 1.3600 is also a good support; psycologic and because it was the max of the last retracement in friday trend.some support and resistence: R1 1.3502; R21.3435; S1 1.3602; S3 1.3635It seems really difficult that the rate will go further over...

May 18th EUR/USD trading opportunity update

The EUR/USD opened this week @ 1.3484 and went straight down to 1.3423;after that it made a correction to 1.3473: around 23% of the last bearish movement;I do not see a clear opportunity; it may move down to 1.3420 again and try to break it or it my go up for a correction @ 1.3559;my trading plan is clearly changed:I didn't open any new position so far;I have close 3x of the 6x units I have opened last friday;I am going to take profit every 50 pips for each unit; 1.3450(right now); 1.34 and 1.3350.If there will an up movement before I close all...

May 18th EUR/USD trading opportunity

On monday no big news are coming out; so if I quick look at the tecnical analysis it says that last friday after a bad news on the Euro side the rate went down from 1.3640 to 1.3520 to correct to 1.3610...that was 76.4% it went down to 1.3466 after that;the closing price was 1.3492. I see tthe current scenario: the rate will open @ 1.3492 and will go up to 135.10 or upper to 1.3533 and than will ride down to 1.3400;some support and resistance: R1 1.3603; R2 1.3715; 1.3898; S1 1.3420; S2 1.3349; S3 1.3166;here is my trading plan:I will sell 1 unit...

Opportunity traders in comparison with technical and fundamental traders

What's an opportunity trader? An opportunity trader is a trader that looks at the market to determine when there is a distortion; the market is run by humans and the consequence is that it is not perfect; it is really often subject to distortions and those distortions represent the right opportunity for a trader to make some money betting on the event that the market will cross its equilibrium;The recognized method used to analyse the markets are technical and fundamental analysis, the problem is that they both are used to try to predict future...

EUR/USD in light of the German preliminary GDP

After a movement up yesterday I was expecting a correction...a good one at least of 61.8% :)didn't happend; but happend that the french prelim GDP is down better than expectation but worse than last time (just a little bit); but the German GDP is down 3.8%, 0.8 more than expectation and 1.7 more than last time; somebody may see the bottom of the recession, what I see is that I wouldn't buy any EUR/USD in light of such a bad data, the all euro area GDP should be affected;there are still some important data today, but if I was long I would cover...

EUR/USD after the unemployment claims data

After yesterday correction the EUR/USD rate was @ 1.3620 this morning; right before the data release it was down to 1.3533 (probably will be the min of today);this movement may be seen as the possibility of some long position ready to cover...just in case;the data was worst than the expectation, but somebody said: because of last week event, something occasional...not sure, maybe just a statistcal disturb;anyway the PPI and the unemployment claims were clearly bullysh for the rate and that happend it went up to 1.3664 (probably the max of today);tomorrow...

EUR/USD MAY 14 trade opportunity

EUR/USD right now is trading @ 1.3570; around 15 pips higher than yesterday minimum;yesterday we had a perfect bearish day: high 1.3715; low 1.3526; at 1.3580 we had a ritracement of 61.8% @ 1.3655 to close than @ 1.3553.In my opinion the rate is still overvalued, there is a lot of long position that is starting getting scared of it; today there will be lots of Data; If the Data about the unemployment claim will be not worse than expected I see the possibility of some long cover... that mean the rate may go down here are some resistanse...

13/May EUR/USD opportunity update

The EUR/USD moved today from 1.3721 to 1.3569 so far;today data are supporting a correction of the rate that last 5 days moved up over my expectation: I said 200 pips overvalued. To me looks like the rate will have a correction to 1.342right now the EUR/USD is around 1.3592;in my vision the first support is 1.3569; a break of it would push the rate down to:s1 1.3533; s2 1.3453; s3 1.3323; r1 1.3685; r2 1.3779...I would say 1.3721;here is my plan:I will sell 1 unit right now @ 1.3592and @ 1.3650 I will sell one unit; stop loss @ 1.3690; take profit...

EUR/USD today opportunity

Since thursday the euro has been stronger than my expetation vs the euro;I think a "correction" of about 200 pips will happend, but when?Yesterday after US trade balance data there was a tendence to recover vs the euro from the dollar;right now that recovery is zero; euro/usd is trading at 1.3693;if French CPI and EU industrial production will be not better than the forecast I see an opportunity to sell EUR/USD with a target 1.3600;if we will have also a not worse than expected data from US I think is the day where at least part of the 200 pips...

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3 column orange style blogger template

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This theme is based on a photoshop tutorial by psdvibe and it has been converted from a PSD file to a working blogger template by me however i couldn't get the alternative post styling to work on blogger which can easy be done in wordpressyou can use the included image or your own header image if you like by editing the header widget through your dashboard the sidebar is fully widgetized and some font's can be customised also it has a built in search...

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Here's another free 2 column blogger template based on a photoshop tutorial by psdvibe and bloggerized By meTested In: IE6, IE7, Safari, Netscape, Firefox, Opera, and ChromeDemo | Downloadthis template has a fully widgetized sidebar and a built in search form but you will need to edit the code to get the navigation links working see this post some fonts can be customised through your dashboard. Share and enjoy comments welc...

Greenary style 2 column blogger template

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Blog test post

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blog test post 1

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How to install blogger templates

This post shows you how to install these free templates in 3 simple steps assuming that you only have the default 3 widgets installed otherwise you may need to copy the rest of your widgets code into these new templates read this post if you are unsure.Download the template you would like to use it should be a zip file and extract it using winrar or some other software next login to your dashboard and select the blog you would like to install the...

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