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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yellowtail Blue Damsel Fish

Yellowtail Blue Damsel, Chrysiptera parasema is commonly found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and is characterized by the bright yellow body and fins. The Chrysiptera genus are omnivores that thrive with a variety of prepared and frozen foods. Damsels are hardy and are reef safe. They will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium. The Yellowtail...

Pilot fish

The Gold Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) is a fish recommended only for someone who is truly prepared to give it what it requires. This fish gets VERY large, and should not be attempted in anything less than a 250 gallon tank, but would do best in an aquarium larger than 350 gallons. This fish will reach a length of nearly 3 feet when fully grown, and it needs a lot of room to get around. In captivity...

Six Line Wrasse Fish

Six Line Wrasse, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia , is a native of the Indian and Pacific Ocean. This carnivore adapts to aquarium life when offered a wide variety of meaty foods such as Brine Shrimp. It will reach a mature size of approximately 4 inches and is highly recommended for a reef aquarium. A sand bed and Live Rock should be provided for all Wrasses. They will bury themselves in the sand to sleep or hide. Live Rock provides numerous small life...

Lunare Wrasse Fish

Lunare Wrasse, Thalassoma lunare , is a native of the Indo-Pacific Oceans. This carnivore adapts to aquarium life when offered a wide variety of meaty foods such as Brine Shrimp. It will reach a mature size of approximately 10 inches and is generally not recommended for a reef aquarium. A sand bed and Live Rock should be provided for all Wrasses. They will bury themselves in the sand to sleep or hide. Live Rock provides numerous...

Panther Grouper Fish

Panther Grouper, Cromileptes altivelis, is a beautiful, graceful addition to the home aquarium, if given the proper space to extend its flowing fins. As it hovers, its body displays an almost Clownfish like fluidity with its slow, undulating movements. Its white body with vivid black spots makes it a sure showpiece for the home aquarium. With the potential to grow to...

Blue Devil Fish

Australian Blue Devil, Paraplesiops meleagris, bears no resemblance to the cartoon or the land animal, but is an incredibly beautiful fish from Down Under. Its coloration is a deep blue with fluorescent blue spots. Unlike many fish whose colors mute with age, these spots become more apparent as the fish matures. The grey-blue coloration...

Candy Stripe Hogfish Fish

Candy Stripe Hogfish is a durable fish of great color that is great for a fish-only aquarium. Also known as the Blackspot Hogfish, Bodianus opercularis, this fish appears as a combination of the Two Spot Hogfish and Masuda's Hogfish. The coloration resembles Masuda’s with the bright red and white striping. It also displays the body and tail spot...

Spotted Sweetlips Fish

Spotted Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides, undergoes a change from juvenile to adult that is almost amusing to observe. In its juvenile stage, it is a brown-maroon fish with relatively large white blotches. As it transforms to the adult coloration of white with small, dark spots, its juvenile white areas sometimes become elongated and...

It's swimming time for Bipasha Basu

It's swimming time for Bipasha Basu Well, bong babe Bipasha Basu is not really completing her unfinished education. She is actually busy learning new skills.It's swimming time for Hot Bipasha BasuApart from trying to convince her boyfriend John Abraham not to work with Vidya Balan, who he was rumoured to be getting cosy with in the past, Bipasha has been busy with other things these days. She has been taking driving and swimming classes.Bipasha recently...

Dussumier Tang fish

Dussumier Tang, Acanthurus dussumieri, is a great fish that displays great coloration both as a juvenile and as an adult. As a juvenile, it has a lavender-tan body with yellow around the eyes and near the tail fin. Fins typically show some blue. As an adult, it displays fine horizontal striations of yellow and blue. As an adult,...

Chocolate Tang fish

Found in the Indo-Pacific, the Acanthurus pyroferus is also known as the Mimic Tang. As a juvenile it mimics the Lemonpeel Angelfish. Its adult colors have helped it earn the common name Chocolate Tang. Growing in the wild up to 10 inches in length, adults need plenty of room to swim. It does not tolerate other Tangs but is otherwise...

Reid i Seahorse: Black fish

Dark and elegant, Hippocampus reidi is a great addition to a species aquarium or peaceful aquarium with other inhabitants where the correct environment can be provided. Reidi Seahorse are indigenous to US and South American Atlantic waters. Specimens sold by PetSolutions are, however, Tank Raised to help assure that only the hardiest and best colored are shipped. Also known as the Brazilian or Longsnout Seahorse, it is possible to breed...

Blue Spot Naso Tang fish

One of the larger Tangs, the Blue Spot Naso Tang (also known as Naso Lopezi or Elongate Unicorn,) can obtain a length of 20 inches in the wild! Aquarium specimens rarely grow this large however. As such, except for juveniles, it should be housed in only 200+ gallon tanks. A general herbivore, its diet should include vegetable-based prepared foods and fresh zucchini,...

Koran Angel fish

The Pomacanthus semicirculatus only lives up to its name while in juvenile coloration. During this time it has semi-circular white rings in the tail region. These are lost in the adult coloration of spotting over a yellow/blue background. Also known by the common name Koran Angelfish, it is found in the Info-Pacific. A hardy aquarium fish, it requires a varied diet of vegetable and meaty...

Bicolor Goatfish

Bicolor Goatfish, Parupeneus barberinoides, is found in the Western Pacific ocean. Also known as the Dash and Dot Goatfish, Half and Half Goatfish, or Swarthy-Headed Goatfish, it has a unique coloration with a reddish-purple head and front body marked with white and yellow. The posterior area of the Bicolor Goatfish is primarily white with yellow streaks and black dots. Goatfish like...

Neon Swordtail fish

Scientific Name: Xiphophorus HelleriRecommended Aquarium: 20+ GallonsApprox. Adult Size: 3 to 4 inchesTemperament: PeacefulEase of Care: EasyDiet: OmnivoreNative Waters: Central AmericaFrom Southern Mexico to Guatemala, these fish can be found in many different colors with many different marking patterns. They are an extremely popular...

Bicolor Parrotfish

Bicolor Parrotfish, Cetoscarus bicolor, is a beautiful and intriguing fish that is best reserved for large, fish-only aquariums. Growing to over 30 inches in the wild, the Bicolor Parrot begins life as a brilliant white fish with a wide, sweeping orange band down in the area between the eye and the dorsal fin. Orange and black markings on the dorsal and caudal fins help...

Blue Gudgeon Goby fish

Blue Gudgeon Goby, Ptereleotris heteroptera, is a fish that does best in a well-established aquarium and is recommended to keep in groupings. With a maximum length at around five inches, its size makes it perfect for large and for small aquariums. Also known as the Blacktail Dartfish Goby, it is a "leaper" and requires a covered aquarium. Its body...

Red Emperor Snapper

Red Emperor Snapper, Lutjanus sebae, is a beautiful fish that adapts well to the home aquarium, provided it is given ample space to grow (150-200 gallon minimum.) Its deep red and bright white bands do seem to give it a royal appearance, helping it live up to its Emperor namesake. Multiple juvenile Red Emperors can be placed in the same aquarium (best done simultaneously),...

Green Moray Eel

Green Moray Eel, Gymnothorax funebris, is one of the largest members of the Eel family. Its body has velvety-smooth sheens of green, yellow, and brown. At a maximum length in the wild of nearly eight feet, it should be kept in only the largest of home aquariums. Largely a nocturnal feeder, the Green Moray Eel will often be visible...

African Bluestripe Pipefish

The African Bluestripe Pipefish (Doryrhamphus excisus) is a fish that requires specialized care and conditions, and is recommended to be kept only by expert level fish keepers who have set up an aquarium specifically to keep Pipefish and/or Seahorses. These fish are extremely peaceful and should not be house with anything other than seahorses, other pipefish, and non aggressive invertebrates. Stinging corals and anemones could potentially...

Mela's Angel

Melas Angels, Centropyge tibicen, are often found living within the safety of live rock of the reefs found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Also known as the Keyhole Angel or Tibicin Angel, it is among the largest of the Dwarf Angels as it can reach captive sizes up to 8". Members of the genus Centropyge are referred to as dwarf angels because of their small...

Foxface Rabbitfish

Fox face, Silvanus vulpine, is a popular fish due to its exceptional coloration, algae grazing capabilities, general hardiness, and overall good demeanor. Also known as the Foxface Rabbitfish or Fox face Lo, its trademark distinction is its elongated, fox-like snout. Using their specially-adapted mouths to graze on naturally-occurring...

Niger Trigger

Niger Trigger, Odonus niger, is commonly found in Australia, Red Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is sometimes referred to as Redtooth Triggerfish. A member of the family Balistidae, it was named by Ruppell, 1837. Triggerfish are very hardy, therefore they are great for...

Clown Trigger

Clown Trigger, Balistoides conspicillum, is native to the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Triggers are hardy fish and would be great for any level aquarist. It is among the largest and most aggressive of the Triggerfish. This should be considered when choosing to keep this fish. It should be kept only with equally aggressive tankmates who will be able to...

Banded Cat SharkBanded Cat Shark

, Chiloscyllium punctatum, is the most popular and one of the best captive-care adaptive Sharks available to the aquarium hobbyists. Called the Banded Cat Shark because of its coloration and the cat-like barbells below its mouth, this bottom dwelling shark requires a great deal of swimming. Not recommended for taller aquariums or for any aquarium...

Antennata Lion fish

Antennata Lionfish, Pterois antennata, are commonly found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Lionfish have also been referred to as Turkeyfish in reference to their ornate fins that have a very feathery appearance. Another commonly used name is Fire Fish, given because of the Lionfish's ability to sting other animals...

Radial Lionfish

Radial Lion fishRadial Lionfish, Pterois radiata, are commonly found in the Red Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Lionfish have also been referred to as turkeyfish in reference to their ornate fins that have a very feathery appearance. Another commonly used name is fire fish, given because of the lionfish's ability to sting other animals. The tips of the spines...

Tiger Jaw fish

Tiger Jaw fish Tiger Jawfish is a unique aquarium addition as this reef-safe, colorful fish darts in and out of its burrow. It is an observant fish that is constantly aware of happenings around its hole/home. Opistognathus gilberti is great for aquariums of any size, but should be introduced first if kept with fish that...

Longnose Hawkfish

Longnose Hawkfish One of the most endearing Hawkfish, the Oxycirrthites typus or Longnose Hawkfish comes from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. In the home aquarium, it can attain lengths around 5 inches. The Longnose Hawkfish, though typically completely peaceful with other tankmates, may not get along with other...


Copperband Butterflyfish Copperband Butterflyfish, Chelmon rostratus, is often found living… ...


Tassle Filefish Tassle Filefish, Chaetodermis pencilligerus, is a hardy curiosity of a fish... ...


Blue Gudgeon Goby Blue Gudgeon Goby, Ptereleotris heteroptera, is a fish that does best in a... ...


Purple Tile Goby Purple Tile Goby, Hoplolatilus purpureus, is an acrobatic, attractive... ...

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