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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sensible Green Tip #2

Conserve H2OAgain, this tip sounds so cliché but I feel it's one that really needs to be emphasized. With water being a finite resource it's going to run out someday. So in order to meet the demand of the planet scientists created water purifying processes like desalination. However, these advanced processes require a lot of energy, a lot. So to save water in the present, these little tips do a lot.Shorter Showers - yes, taking 1-minute less...

Sensible Green Tip #1

Here's the first of many "Sensible Green Tips." There are probably many that you've heard before but I will try to make them sensible and simple. Most of these I will have tried or done myself so as to provide proof that they do work. Here's the first, and probably most important, tip:CFL Bulbs Yes, this has practically become cliché nowadays but I feel it is one of the most sensible ones so far. These truely do save a lot of energy and last...

Greenwashing: Better than Nothing?

Greenwashing is a term used quite often these days. To many, it's hard to tell. Here's a dictionary definition ( of Greenwashing:the practice of promoting environmentally friendly programs to deflect attention from an organization's environmentally unfriendly or less savory activities.[gotta love the use of "savory"]ExampleA common one that people are starting to see more and more every day is those "eco-shape" water bottles....

Vegetarianism: Why and Why Not

A growing trend in environmentalism and the green movement is becoming a vegetarian. Vegetarianism, as many people know, is a diet in which meat, poultry, and fish are not consumed due to various reasons, including, but not limited to: social, religious, moral, cultural, ethical, environmental, or economical. The people who do it for environmental reasons usually do so because the meat industry (more specifically cattle) is said to be responsible...


Hello everybody my name is Anthony and I created this blog to offer, along other things, an aspect to the growing environmental/green movement. I believe protecting the environment and conserving its natural beauty and resources should be our main priority in this day and age. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in Global Warming or Climate Change (we won't know 100% sure until it is too late), we can all agree that the detiorating...

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