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Monday, July 20, 2009

Abn Amro Bank Of Pakistan

More than 3,400 branches in 70+ countries, the 1991 merger Algemene Bank Nederland and Amsterdam Rotterdam Bank had a long-standing presence in India since 1920 in Kolkata known traditionally as a strong "diamond financing bank". ABN AMRO Bank India started functioning in 1991 in Delhi and till date it has branches in Chennai, Pune, Baroda, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Noida servicing multiproduct relationship with customers. It formed AA Securities [I] Pvt. Ltd. in September 1998.Abn Amro Bank is among the top 10 banks in the world in size and strength...

Allahabad Bank Education Loan

Nineteenth CenturyThe Oldest Joint Stock Bank of the Country, Allahabad Bank was founded on April 24, 1865 by a group of Europeans at Allahabad. At that juncture Organized Industry, Trade and Banking started taking shape in India. Thus, the History of the Bank spread over three Centuries - Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-First.April 24, 1865's The Bank was founded at the confluence city of Allahabad by a group of Europeans.1890'sTwentieth Centuryy1920's The Bank became a part of P & O Banking Corporation's group with a bid price of Rs.436...

Alliance Bank Malayshia Berhad

The Alliance Financial Group (formerly known as Alliance Banking Group) is a dynamic, integrated financial services group offering end-to-end financial solutions through consumer banking; commercial banking; wholesale banking including corporate banking, treasury; and investment banking including stockbroking, asset management, and unit trust management services.The Group has had five decades of proud history in contributing to the financial community in Malaysia with its innovative and entrepreneurial spirit enhanced by our deep understanding...

American Express Bank

American Express Bank is a diversified travel and financial services company. It was founded in the year 1850. American Express Travelers cell is the world leader.American Express India was established in 1921 providing high quality travel and financial services. American Express in India is the largest company to have wide network of travel locations in the country.American Express Card division also tops upon other credit card issuer. American Express Credit Cards in India is of basic two varieties, namely International Gold Amex Card and International...

Andhra Bank Of India

Andhra Bank was founded by Dr.Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramayya. The Bank was registered on 20th November 1923 and commenced business on 28th November 1923 with a paid up capital of Rs 1.00 lakh and an authorised capital of Rs 10.00 lakhs.Andhra Bank total business as on 31.03.2005 stood at Rs.45,461 Crores and the Bank is rendering services through 1,672 Business Delivery Channels, consisting of 1,168 Branches, 136 Extension Counters, 330 ATMs and 38 Satellite Branches, spread over 21 States and 2 Union Territories as at the end of March, 2005.The...

Asian Development Bank

Our Vision - an Asia and Pacific Free of PovertyADB is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people.Headquartered in Manila, and established in 1966, ADB is owned and financed by its 67 members, of which 48 are from the region and 19 are from other parts of the globe.ADB’s main partners are governments, the private sector, nongovernment organizations, development agencies, community-based organizations, and foundations.Under...

Askari Bank Limited

Dear Visitor,It gives me great pleasure to be writing to you at the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the life of Askari Commercial Bank Limited. The bank was founded in 1992, and in the 15 years since, our growth and success patterns have far outgrown industry standards. It is a matter of pride for us to be able to offer one of the widest array of products to our customers through our extensive branch network all over the country.However, history has shown that change is the only constant and that with time, always comes change. Just like...

Welcome to Associated Bank

At Associated Banc-Corp, we’re proud of our long and rich tradition of providing superior financial services to our communities, combined with exceptional customer service. Personal service is our guiding principle, from providing products that meet and exceed individual customer needs, to doing the “little things” that make your experience with Associated a special one. Our Vision and Values provide our underlying focus. And we carry that principle into our online services.Associated banks are known for strong relationships with their communities,...


Our Vision:To be the acknowledged leader and chosen partner in providing financial solutions through inspired people.Our Mission:Combining entrepreneurial spirit with empowered people and leading edge technology to constantly exceed stakeholder expectationsOur Values:Treasure professional & personal integrity at all timesDemonstrate mutual respect in all our interactionsPassionate in everything we doCommitted to being customer centricCourage to change, challenge and be differentDemonstrate unity in diversityIn 1888, Hatton Bank commenced business...

Personal Banking

Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four PSU insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company...

Bangladesh Bank

1. Bangladesh Bank Library is one of the most rich and specialised libraries of the country with rare collection of books, journals and periodicals. It was started on 1962 as "State Bank of Pakistan Library" and after independence in 1971 renamed as "Bangladesh Bank Library". The Library is Situated at the 6th floor of the main building of Bangladesh bank with a total 17,907.23 sft space. It provides computerised Library service not only to the officers and staff of Bangladesh Bank, but also extends library facilities to researchers, Scholars,...

Bank AL Habib Limited

DAWOOD HABIB GROUP, which is the sponsor of Bank AL Habib Limited, have a very long track record of banking which dates back to 1920s. They were among the founder members of Habib Bank Limited which played a major role in meeting the financial and banking needs of Pakistan, and which was nationalized along with other Banks in Pakistan on December 31, 1973.Under the privatization policy of Government of Pakistan, the DAWOOD HABIB GROUP was granted permission to set up a commercial bank. Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company...

Bank Alfalah Limited

"Our core philosophy of honesty, transpanency in customer dealings, product innovation, excellence in customer service and our commitment to beaing a responsible corporate citizen pervades this website”Since the inception of Bank Alfalah, by the grace of the Almighty, we have moved rapidly in expanding our branch network and deposit base, along with making profitable advances and increasing the range of products and services. We have made a break-through in providing premier services at an affordable cost to our customers.Keeping in view our valued...

Bank Information

PRIVACY STATEMENTYour privacy is important to us. Pakistan Banks' Association believes in greater protection of personal privacy to protect visitors and increase their confidence. The policy informs you about the types of information gathered when you visit our site, how it may be used and whether it will be disclosed to anyone. If the privacy policy is changed, the changes will be posted on this page so that you remain aware of what information is collected, and how it is used.The site may contain links to other Websites. You should check the...

Bank of America

In the CommunityCommunity Development | Corporate Philanthropy | Environment | Sponsorships | Team Bank of AmericaCareers at Bank of AmericaCareer OpportunitiesBank of America NewsNewsroom | Newsroom en EspañolShareholders & InvestorsInvestor Relations | Annual Report | Prime Rate | Bank of America Stock | Corporate GovernancePrivacy & SecurityOverviewOur HistoryA Virtual TourAccessible BankingOverview | Talking ATMs | Banking from Home or Office | Accessible Accounts and ServicesSuppliersSupplier Relations | Global Operations & Supplier...

Bank of Baroda India's International Bank

A saga of vision and enterpriseIt has been a long and eventful journey of almost a century across 25 countries. Starting in 1908 from a small building in Baroda to its new hi-rise and hi-tech Baroda Corporate Centre in Mumbai, is a saga of vision, enterprise, financial prudence and corporate governance.It is a story scripted in corporate wisdom and social pride. It is a story crafted in private capital, princely patronage and state ownership. It is a story of ordinary bankers and their extraordinary contribution in the ascent of Bank of Baroda...

Bank of England

The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom. Sometimes known as the 'Old Lady' of Threadneedle Street, the Bank was founded in 1694, nationalised on 1 March 1946, and gained independence in 1997. Standing at the centre of the UK's financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting and maintaining monetary and financial stability as its contribution to a healthy econo...

Bank Of India

Bank of India, founded on 7th September in the year 1906 was nationalised along with 13 other banks in July 1969. Then its paid-up capital was Rs.50 lakh with only 50 employees and the only office in Mumbai. Today Bank of India has been spread with 2594 branches including 93 specialised branches controlled by 48 Zonal Offices. Bank of India came up with its maiden public issue in the year 1997 and the total number of shareholders stands to 3,17,890 as on 30/06/2004. Bank of India was the first fully computerised branch among the nationalised...

Outline of the Bank

Missions and Activities of the Bank of JapanFunctions and Operations of the Bank of JapanOrganizationOrganization of the Bank of JapanGuide Map to the Bank of Japan Tokyo Head OfficeHoliday Schedule of the Bank of JapanLaws and RulesBank of Japan ActThe Bank's AccountsActivitiesThe Bank's HistoryList of GovernorsPR ServicesLinksOverseas Central Banks and Monetary AuthoritiesJapanese Government, Quasi-Governmental Organizations and Other Organizati...

Outline of the Bank

Missions and Activities of the Bank of JapanFunctions and Operations of the Bank of JapanOrganizationOrganization of the Bank of JapanGuide Map to the Bank of Japan Tokyo Head OfficeHoliday Schedule of the Bank of JapanLaws and RulesBank of Japan ActThe Bank's AccountsActivitiesThe Bank's HistoryList of GovernorsPR ServicesLinksOverseas Central Banks and Monetary AuthoritiesJapanese Government, Quasi-Governmental Organizations and Other Organizati...

Bank of Queensland Australia Banking and finance.

"Bank on a career that’s different"Bank of Queensland is Australia’s fastest-growing bank and an organisation with a reputation as a challenger and innovator in Australia’s highly competitive and dynamic banking industry.We are an organisation which defines ourselves by being different and isn’t frightened of new ideas – in fact, we thrive on them.We’re a large listed company with an impressive reputation, a diverse workforce of more than 2,500 in branches and offices across the country allowing for plenty of opportunities for personal development...


BankWest is a full service bank and a wholly owned subsidiary of HBOS plc, one of the world's largest financial services group. BankWest is active in all market segments, and its lending is diversified between the business, rural, housing and personal markets, including the full range of deposit products.In its home state Western Australia, BankWest is a market leader with about one quarter of all bank advances and deposits. In 2007 BankWest announced a major expansion program which will see the bank open 160 stores on the east coast over the next...

Bendigo Bank Bank Accounts Bank Credit Cards

Shareholder InfoShare PriceOnline Share RegistryASX AnnouncementsQuick FindContact UsLocate UsCareers & Vacanc...

BMO Bank of Montreal

Personal FinancesAccounts and PlansConvenient and flexible banking solutions fit your life, with chequing and savings accounts and banking plans and services, including overdraft protection, pre-authorized bill payments, Interac®* Email Money Transfers and more.MortgagesWhether you need to refinance your mortgage, are a first-time homebuyer or require bridge financing, choose from a large selection of mortgage and financing options to meet your specific needs.Loans and Credit CardsBorrowing solutions, including loans, lines of credit and BMO Mosaik®...

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

At CIBC, we are in business to help our clients, employees, and shareholders achieve what matters to them.Our ability to create value for all CIBC stakeholders is driven by a business culture based on common values: Trust, Teamwork and Accountability.Who are you running for? Join us Sunday, October 5. Find out more The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the CureExecutive Presentations and WebcastsSeptember 23, 2008 - Gerry McCaughey, President and Chief Executive Officer, speaks at the World Markets 7th Annual Eastern Institutional...

Canara Bank Of India

Canara Bank in India has a history of nine decades and is the largest public sector banks in India. Canara Bank India has a deposit advance base of Rs.640 bn and Rs 332 bn (figure in the year 2002).Canara Bank of India has a total of 47,843 employees and is spread with 2409 branches throughout the country. Canara Bank India has an exposure to petroleum, engineering, infrastructure, factoring, investment management, venture capital, home finance and securities.Canara Bank entered Forex arena in 1953 with the opening of its first Foreign Exchange...

Central Bank of India

Central Bank of India (CBI) was established in 1911. This was the first Indian commercial bank to be wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment of the Central Bank of India was the ultimate realisation of the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala, founder of the Bank. Sir Pherozesha Mehta was the first Chairman of a truly 'Swadeshi Bank'.The following are some of the facts of Central Bank of India. * 1921: CBI Introduction to the Home Savings Safe Deposit Scheme to build saving/thrift habits in all sections of the society. * 1924:...

Central Bank of Malaysia | Bank Negara Malaysia

Bank Negara Malaysia is the central bank for Malaysia. It was established on 26 January 1959, under the Central Bank of Malaya Ordinance, 1958, with the following objectives:1. To issue currency and keep reserves safeguarding the value of the currency;2. To act as a banker and financial adviser to the Government;3. To promote monetary stability and a sound financial structure;4. To promote the reliable, efficient and smooth operation of national payment and settlement systems and to ensure that the national payment and settlement systems policy...

Chevy Chase Bank

The promise we make to each and every customer is that at Chevy Chase Bank, you can expect to experience Banking Convenience. It is a promise we take seriously. And keeping that promise means allowing you to bank when, where, and how you want.As the largest bank headquartered in the Washington metropolitan area, Chevy Chase Bank offers you the convenience of more than 285 branches and more than 1,000 ATMs. And those numbers continue to grow, through our opening of new full-service branches throughout the region. We offer many attractively priced...

Citi Bank Of India

Citibank India is since 1902. Citibank India was the first bank to lend actively to individuals. Citibank is the largest Consumer Finance lender in the world. Citibank India follows the following principles while dealing to its customers: Truth in LendingSuperior Products and ServicesQuick and Transparent Credit DecisionsLending is not a transaction, but a relationshipCustodian of Public Funds Citibank online bankingWith citibank online banking one can enjoy the following services from anywhere in the world. For...

Citizens Bank

In 1828, Citizens Financial Group got its start as a small community bank called the High Street Bank in Providence, Rhode Island.Citizens Financial Group, Inc. is a $161 billion commercial bank holding company. It is headquartered in Providence, R.I., and, through its subsidiaries, has more than 1,600 branches, more than 3,500 ATMs and more than 24,000 employees. Its two bank subsidiaries are RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania. They operate a 13-state branch network under the Citizens Bank brand in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts,...

City National Bank

As part of our founding promise more than 50 years ago — to extend dedicated, attentive service to successful businesses, professionals and individuals, this section provides you with an online repository for detailed information on City National company, contact and compliance information 24 hours a day.* Choose Contact Us to reach any area of City National.* Are you interested in becoming a part of the City National Bank team? If so, visit our Career Center for current openings.* City National Bank has made a commitment to the communities that...

Comerica Bank

Comerica is a multi-faceted corporation with an abiding sense of community. From investor relations and the latest information on our company to career opportunities and our commitment to community and diversity, you’ll find it all right here.Company OverviewComerica Incorporated is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, strategically aligned into three major business segments: The Business Bank, The Retail Bank, and Wealth & Institutional Management.Investor RelationsAll the information an investor needs, including: information...

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