Here's the first of many "Sensible Green Tips." There are probably many that you've heard before but I will try to make them sensible and simple. Most of these I will have tried or done myself so as to provide proof that they do work. Here's the first, and probably most important, tip:
CFL Bulbs
CFL Bulbs

Yes, this has practically become cliché nowadays but I feel it is one of the most sensible ones so far. These truely do save a lot of energy and last a whole lot longer than normal incandescent bulbs. I installed four of them in my room and I haven't had to replace them for over a year and a half. To clear up any foul air about these wonderful bulbs, here's some simple misconceptions debunked:
- Yes, these bulbs do contain mercury, a hazardous and toxic substance...if you are exposed to it. The mercury is what causes the bulb to last so long and be so energy efficient. However, the amount of mercury in each CFL bulb is barely enough to cover the tip of a sharpened pencil. So, contrary to popular belief, when these bulbs break, there's no need to call 911 for the haz-mat team. Just open a window to allow circulation. Wait 15 or so minutes then put the bulb in a paper bag and then put that in a plastic grocery bag. Search for a local recycling center to dispose of the waste. DO NOT send these bulbs in the trash, thus sending them to the landfill. The mercury can contaminate surrounding ecosystems and watersheds.For more detailed disposal instruction, go to the EPA's following link:
- Many people complain that they take a long time to reach their maximum brightness. Yes, the earlier did take a long time. But relatively, the ones on storeshelves today have a shorter start-up period. My CFLs only take 10 or so seconds to reach their maximum brightness, and even then it's barely noticable. Search google to find the best ones. BE SURE they are certified Energy Star CFLs, too.
- People also complain of their odd swirling shape. Many don't mind, but even more find it "ugly" and unaesthetic. However, there are plenty of brands out there right now that enclose the swirly shape inside a normal-looking incandescent bulb. Check your local hardware store. (Of course, check their website first to check if they carry CFL bulbs so you don't make an unnecessary trip to only discover they don't have them.)
So hopefully this will convince many people that CFLs are our future....for now. I will blog later about the even better benefits of LED lighting.
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