Bicolor Goatfish, Parupeneus barberinoides, is found in the Western Pacific ocean. Also known as the Dash and Dot Goatfish, Half and Half Goatfish, or Swarthy-Headed Goatfish, it has a unique coloration with a reddish-purple head and front body marked with white and yellow. The posterior area of the Bicolor Goatfish is primarily white with yellow streaks and black dots. Goatfish like to graze all day long in reef-protected lagoons. They feed mainly on worms, crustaceans, brittle stars, and small mollusks and heart urchins, but in captivity they will thrive with small, frequent feedings of a variety of meaty prepared and frozen foods. Goatfish are completely peaceful and do well individually or in schools.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bicolor Goatfish
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