Dark and elegant, Hippocampus reidi is a great addition to a species aquarium or peaceful aquarium with other inhabitants where the correct environment can be provided. Reidi Seahorse are indigenous to US and South American Atlantic waters. Specimens sold by PetSolutions are, however, Tank Raised to help assure that only the hardiest and best colored are shipped. Also known as the Brazilian or Longsnout Seahorse, it is possible to breed the Reidi. The female will deposit eggs to an adapted pouch on the belly of the male. The male will care for the developing eggs. After the eggs hatch, the pouch opens and the male goes into labor rearing broods of up to 1,500! Live and frozen foods are best for this true carnivore. Small Saltwater Feeder Shrimp make the best food to initially entice its appetite. Other foods, including Brine Shrimp, Plankton, and Zooplankton, are also great staples. Because a diverse diet is good, some aquarists will also supplement with daphnia, baby guppies, or Mysis Shrimp. Seahorses are reef-safe, but may be bothered by some of the more territorial or larger reef-safe inhabitants. For fish only aquariums, a good general rule is to avoid any fish that is substantially larger than the Seahorse or that creates a great deal of activity. Seahorses like a calm environment, but still do require good water circulation. Seahorses prefer taller aquariums and do best when provided with a size of 25 gallons or more. Beautiful and graceful, the Reidi Seahorse is an exceptional and unique choice for the aquarist dedicated to providing proper care.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Reid i Seahorse: Black fish
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